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Writer's pictureDiana Salinas

Quarantine Update

Updated: Feb 12, 2021

Hey guys!

How are you doing? I hope everything is well with you all! It has been quite a while now with the stay-at-home orders in place. I know some classes are already ending which can be alleviating for many. It is one less thing that you need to worry about. Even though our summer will not be a typical summer, we are still going to have some time for ourselves. A LOT.

Yesterday, I started my last week of freshman year classes. I am not going to lie, although I am doing good in classes, it has gotten a bit overwhelming. It is hard trying to find motivation to do anything. I have let my work pile up and I have procrastinated more than usual. I really have to try and get out of this funk fast because I don't want to make it a habit. I want to start up a healthy routine where I give myself time to study, work-out, cook, and relax.

I know everyone recommended to stick with your routines since the start; but if I am being honest, I couldn't. It was hard. It was not the same and I did not want to pretend like everything was normal because it wasn't. Online, you can find different ways to cope and deal with quarantine but there really is not a right way. It's something new. Something most of us have not experienced. We are all going to react and do different things.

I have found that it is okay to wake up late, eat at the "wrong" times, snack throughout the day, or lounge in your pajamas all day. I understand that you might see your friends or other influencers in full glam and well put outfits and that is okay. That might make you feel guilty but like I said before, we all are going to be handle this in our own way. As different or "extra" as it might be.

The other day my professor asked us how we were spending our times in quarantine and many of my peers answered differently: exercising, binge watching movies, drawing, and other fun activities. Personally, I have buried myself in work and deep cleaning my entire house. I know it is not ideal but it is one of the ways that I have found to keep my mind busy.

Well, I will be keeping this post short because it is just an update. But I want to let you know that we will be okay and we will get through this! Watch the series you have on your "Watch Later" list, clean out your closet of all the clothes that you don't wear anymore, or sleep the hours that you lost in college (lol)! Let me know in the comments what you are doing in quarantine?

Stay safe guys!

Until next time,


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2 komentáře

Diana Salinas
Diana Salinas
29. 4. 2020

@GPSNEEDED. Blog Yes I am sure that has a lot to due with my overload in assignments lol!! What kind of things are you going to try out?

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29. 4. 2020

Love the update! I am feeling the same way! I have been really consuming myself with work but I think it is because finals season is upon me! However, I’m trying to incorporate some new hobbies to continue to keep life interesting!

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