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Back to School: College Edition

Updated: Feb 12, 2021

So I am currently starting to type this 20 minutes before my next class (yet posts it the next day lol), because lesson number 1 that I have learned from college is that every second is valuable.

I have successfully and officially finished an entire week of college! Did I get lost? Maybe a little. (lol) Was I overwhelmed? Mmh. 

I will not complain, this week wasn’t too bad for the most part. At least, for now.

I had two classes cancelled this week which honestly was pretty amazing. It allowed me to organize my next couple of weeks in order to not miss any of the due dates that are creeping up! 

I am already overloaded on reading, and homework is already piling up. It is very weird not having professors actually verbalize the assignment of homework so this whole thing is going to take a while to adjust to.

Yes it was a bit overwhelming at first, but I know that I will definitely grow from this experience. The love  and support I have and continue receiving has made this whole experience a whole lot better!

Anyway, a couple things I learned this week that I want to share with y’all right off the bat is that it is okay to not make friends right away and to be “alone”. I feel like being independent is a huge thing in college! Everyone is out there doing their own thing and so should you! 

Now, I just want to clear something up. Learning to be independent and okay with being alone does not mean you have to do everything by yourself. It is okay to as for help! In fact, I myself am always looking for someone that can help me! You shouldn’t be doing everything and going through everything by yourself. This is a very self-contradictory topic so I might make a whole post on this!

Moving on, another thing I want to discuss are priorities and responsibility.

Yes, it is cool when professors cancel class and/or let you out early, but I think that it is here where the whole adulting thing comes to play. In my opinion, in high school, teachers held your hand and treat you like kids which in all honesty they have all the right to. On the other hand, in college, professors begin treating you as adults and expect you to be mature and responsible. Either the day of or before the first day, they send out their syllabus and from there it is up to you to yourself responsible for the work. You have to remember to do your own reading, homework, and quizzes. Although I am not even sure if that makes any sense, I just want you to remember that at the end of the day no one is going to push you as hard as you should other than yourself.

So with that being said, I want to end on the note that the college does really allow to create and become the person you want to be. It might require many tries after hitting the jackpot, but at least it will before you are out in the legitimate adult world. I seem to now understand why people say that college is the place to make mistakes (ha)... 

I hope that with this blog I can help others learn from my mistakes or simply just find more company on my new journey.

Until next time, 

Gossip Girl




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