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Writer's pictureDiana Salinas

10 Tips to Make the Most Out of Your Year

Updated: Feb 12, 2021

Hi guys!

It has been a crazy year. It is 2020 and many of our first years at college. A lot has happened and it is really difficult to wrap my mind around it!

Anywho, I wanted to hop on here and talk with you guys. I definitely disappeared for a long timed but life happened. I want to and plan on posting more on here this year. I am certain that it is going to be difficult but I still want to give it a shot.

That being said, the purpose of this post is to just go over some things you can start doing or keep doing to make this year about growth. I want to help you maximize this year’s potential as well as yours. I hope these suggestions help you and that you try them out! It is important to remember to take care of yourself. It might not be easy to implement all of these into your daily routine but it does not hurt to try out at least one. Remember, no one is going to take care of yourself the way you need to (or better) except yourself.

So let’s get into it.

1. Plan out your day!

Planning out your day is so relaxing! I personally take 10-15 minutes out of my day to write down tasks that need to be completed that same day or the following day just to help clear my mind a bit. It honestly helps keep track of what needs to be done and makes you feel accomplished when marking a task completed. In order to do this, I have two methods. I use the app Tasks for my devices. I am able to access it on my phone and computer. It is really cool because it is through Google so it is very accessible. Another thing I have and use is a planner. You really don’t need a physical planner but it helps to actually write out your plans. It is all up to personal preferences. In high school, I used a regular old notebook for the first two years and later transitioned to $2 planner Walmart sold. It was straight to the point and got the work done. I will try to link it down below if you are interested. The planner I am currently using is by Blue Sky. I personally love it and I will also link it down below. Just for the sake of giving you guys more options, I will also mention the Passion Planner and digital planners. My university gave out free planners at the beginning of the semester. These planners are amazing and have a lot included. They are really a perfect thing for college. For some, it might be a bit overwhelming but it just requires getting used to. The last option for planning is digital weekly or monthly spreads. There are so many online templates for free that you can edit on your phone or print and keep in a notebook/binder. I will link it down below if you are interested in seeing one! My point is if you take time (either the previous day at night or the morning of) to plan out how your day is going to go, it will not be as chaotic and can run more smoothly.

2. Wake up early!

I know that as college students it is almost nearly impossible trying to wake up early but it does not hurt to give it a try. Obviously, if it means that you will get less little to no sleep, I would not really recommend this. My tip would just be to give yourself enough time to get ready for class without rushing or stressing yourself. Give yourself time to do your makeup (or not), do your hair, get dressed, get supplies ready (even though it should be at night), fill your water bottle, get breakfast...etc. By starting your morning at an easy pace, your day is more likely to go better. Make sure to make the most out of your mornings without overwhelming yourself!

3. Get stuff ready before the next day at night!

As mentioned in the last point, prepare your stuff the night before! It is so easy to forget or misplace stuff when packing your bag when you are getting ready to leave for class. By packing it at night you are able to use that time in the morning to get breakfast or sleep in a bit longer. It will also be so helpful with not forgetting your notebook or computer in your bed! For devices such as an iPad, laptop, or phone, it is understandable to let them charge overnight and put them in your bag in the morning. Although it is a small task, it can save you some time and reduce your worries/ anxiety about forgetting something at home.

4. Drink Water!

Okay guys. This one is pretty important and I hope you guys are already doing it. I personally did not drink a lot of water before coming to college (lol embarrassment). Now, I carry a bottle of water with me everywhere I go. If you think about it, you are going to be walking all over campus, up and down stairs. It is super important to stay hydrated. It will also help to keep you awake during class! Water is just so important and I do not know how to emphasize this more! When you wake up, drink water to help get your body working. Drink water before, during, and after you eat in order to help to digest the meal! Water will also help your skin so much (lol)! But seriously, DRINK WATER, it is good for you!

5. Eat!

Okay. I understand that it is so easy to forget to or skip out on eating but do not. Or at least try not to. When you have packed schedules and have classes that have a heavy workload, it is easy to just skip going to get food to get more time on an assignment or to go to class but not eating is not what is good for you. I think we all know it. So to tackle this problem, I have a few suggestions. The “easiest” one I have would be to plan out your schedule with lunchtimes. I know it is easier said than done, but if you have some control over the timing of your classes make sure that you are able to squish in a meal during your day. Another option is to carry fruit or some small snacks with you. Go to Costco or Walmart and buy a box of granola bars, fruit snacks, or something you like. This will help you control your hunger in class until you have a chance to get an actual meal. This will allow you to concentrate more on whatever it is that you are doing. Although they might be small, they do wonders when there is nothing else in your stomach. My last tip would be to meal prep. There are so many videos and posts everywhere that explain how to do this. It does not have to be super healthy or costly! You can just use what you have! I would say that this option is good only if you know you are not able to make time to make food at home or go to a dining hall. I would recommend to prep during the weekend in order to have the food ready for the week! If you guys want, I might be able to make a post of how I used to meal prep in high school on a budget! But please, EAT AND TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY!

6. Give yourself some me-time!

Although it might be rare, when you have a break or some free time, spend it on yourself! It is easy to try and use this time to catch up with friends or family but you also need some time. Take a nap, go on a walk, sit in the sun, go take a shower (not because you stink but to relax your body), write how you feel, cry if you need it. DO NOT FORGET ABOUT YOURSELF. If you want to watch a show or YouTube, do so and do not feel guilty. We all deserve a break. I think that as first gens, we want to do it all but we also need to rest. We are after all humans are only able to do so much. It might be hard to get into that habit of this but if you try to practice it for a few times you will see that it might be life-changing. As I am writing this, it reminded me of the Pomodoro Method! It is definitely something worth trying! You will study for a certain period of time (for example 30 minutes) and then take a 5 or 10-minute break where you can stretch and walk or use your phone. Overall, talking breaks can be really rewarding and motivate you to keep going.

7. Stay healthy and fit!

When I say this you guys, I not only mean physically but mentally as well. Go workout. Go run. But also make sure to take a breath. Mediate if you want. This year, I have made sure to have at least a 30-minute workout every day. However, this is different for everyone. Make sure it fits your schedule. You can go to a gym or do it in the comfort (and privacy) of your room. During high school, I would workout on the floor of my room! As long as you get your body moving, that is all that matters. This can help relieve stress or any feelings you might have bottled up. It will allow you to concentrate a whole lot better and keep you energized. As for staying mentally healthy, what I have picked up this year as well is having short meditation breaks. I personally use the Simple Habit on IOS to do so. They have different options for you based on how much time you have and what you want to focus on. It is definitely worth a try but if you can’t or you see this not fit for you, try taking one minute out of your day to focus on your breathing. Close your eyes and breathe in and out and make sure to count it. Only focus on yourself breathing and nothing else. This will ensure that your mind clears up a bit and anxiety levels to go down. Sometimes, we get so worked up and caught in our day that we forget to just breathe. Give it shot and maybe you won’t be as stressed as before.

8. Be informed!

This is SUCH a big one! Make sure to keep up to date with news guys. It is so easy to spread fake news and rumors so verify your sources. Read a book or read the news. You can now do it on your phone thanks to technology! And now because of social media, you can now get news on Twitter and Facebook and other sources. However, do not make those outlets your primary source. If you read something someone share or retweeted, look further into it on a reliable news outlet! It is so important to know what is going on with our world. If you are not a big reader, listen to podcasts! You can listen to them as you commute or walk to class, as you get ready, as you get or cook food, or as you do work. They do not really need to be hardcore news podcasts, there are many fun and interesting informative podcasts that are out there! A few that I recommend are the Mile Higher Podcast (very informative and talks about true crime), NPR Up First (15 minutes of daily news!!), and The Health Code! I feel like podcasts are rising in popularity and many influencers are joining the ride so make sure to at least look into them!

9. Get out of your comfort zone!

“It is okay to be afraid and nervous. It only means that you are leaving your comfort zone and that is a good thing.” Trying something for the first time can be scary. But this kind of scary is good. Go ask for help. Ask the professor that seems intimidating. Ask the kid you want to be friends with. Engage or even initiate conversations! It can also be really terrifying trying to talk to other human beings. Let me assure you though that they too are in fear. Whether it be outside of class or in class, make sure to use your voice to its full potential. You are lucky enough and blessed to have a voice that allows you to communicate with others. Use it. Take advantage of it. Participate and make sure people are aware of your presence! Join a club. Go hang out with a friend! Even better, go out by yourself! Being on your own is never and will never be bad! I will be making a post about this for sure but I just want you to try something new that you normally would not. I promise you, it is not as bad as your brain makes it out to be.

10. Give back!

Okay guys. I think this one is not stressed enough. Make sure to thank people. People that you might have impacted you or helped you at some point in your life! Check up on someone. Just like people have been there for you, make sure to be there for someone. A task as simple as this can make someone’s day soo much better! If you are fortunate enough and have the assets to, pay for someone’s coffee or pay the dollar that someone might be missing at the register. If this is not the case, it is okay. Let’s hope that one day you will be at a stage in your life where you have enough for yourself and to help someone else. If anything, you can give back or contribute your time. Many people or organizations are not only in need of money but of people that can help out. Your presence to them is so valuable and can really make them feel so lucky! What I want to communicate is that although we have to make sure we are okay, helping others might also be a good idea. It can make you feel good and be a really good outlet. It is also important to share with those who have helped us that we appreciate them. Be grateful with everyone and for everything!

I wish I was able to go more in-depth but there is only so much my little fingers can handle! I think they deserve a break too! I hope you guys enjoy and try some of these things. It is all about baby steps guy. Do not beat yourself if you do something wrong or miss a day doing whatever tip you’re trying out. It is okay. Making the effort to try something new is already such a big step.

If you have any other tips you’d like to share, make sure to comment them down below! Sorry for such a long post but I hope someone is able to get something out of it!

Have a beautiful day guys!


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